Handling a film of Rs. 200 crore budget is not an easy task especially if the director has no previous experience of handling high budget epic movies. Despite being aware of Surender Reddy’s inexperience at handling a magnum opus, Ram Charan handed over him the responsibility of directing Sye Raa.
Everyone including Chiranjeevi was skeptical about the choice of Charan, but being the producer the Dhruva hero had immense confidence in his director. Sye Raa was supposed to be wrapped up by December but it is running behind schedule as of now. Only fifty percent of the filming part is done up to this point.
Surender is under immense pressure because of the magnanimity of the project and the costs involved. Ram Charan wants Surender to give his hundred percent without thinking much about the budget and delay issues. Charan stated to the media that he is not looking for profits and is also okay if there are any losses. “I want this film to be a memorable one for my dad. Success will be a bonus only,” he said.
Charan also is not putting pressure on Surender to meet any deadlines regarding the release. “It may take eight months or ten months to complete. As of now we don’t know when it will hit the theaters,” Charan said. Surender must consider himself lucky for having a producer like Ram Charan who is not bothered much about the time and money. All he wants is a good film that would be remembered for a long time.