Many biggies from Tollywood have set up their own film studios. “Padmalaya studios” was set up by Super Star Krishna and Ace producer Ramanaidu has “Ramanaidu Studios”. But it was Akkineni Nageswara Rao who first established a studio in Hyderabad, “Annapurna Studios” and eventually film industry got shifted from Madras after this happening.
Now a senior hero who hails from Nandamuri family is also very keen on setting up a film studio. He’s none other than Nandamuri Bala Krishna. Recently AP Government is seen offering acres of land and many other incentives for Telugu Film Industry to set up film studios in and around Vizag. So keeping all these in mind, now he is planning to set up a film studio in the other Telugu state.
Sources say that he has already got the go-ahead approvals from AP Government and currently chalking out plans to create a cutting-edge facility that will facilitate filmmakers quite well to realise their dreams. Earlier Nandamuri family has a film studio named “Ramakrishna Cine Studios”, which was started by legendary NTR but later it got shut down for reasons best known to them. Looks like Balakrishna is not just bringing back the spirit of NTR through #NTR biopic, but also likely to continue his film studio dream as well.
Currently, Bala Krishna is busy with the regular shooting of NTR biopic, for which he also turned as one of the producers. Being directed by Krish Jagarlamudi, the film is scheduled to release in Jan 2019.