Akhil Akkineni, who has made an entry into the Tollywood with ‘chocolate boy’ image, had suffered a setback with his debut movie ‘Akhil’. While the first one had fallen flat at the box office, the second movie – ‘Hello’ too failed to enthuse and entertain the Telugu audience.
Akhil has recently started shooting for a project with director Venky Atluri who has bagged a decent hit with ‘Tholi Prema’. But another news doing rounds is that Akhil has agreed to do a film under Dharma Productions banner. And the movie is being produced by Karan Johar and directed by Sathya Prabhas Pinisetty.
Karan Johar has so far introduced many stars to the cinema industry.. among them are Alia Bhat, Varun Dhawan, Siddharth etc. Recently, he has introduced Sridevi’s daughter Janhvi Kapoor with ‘Dhadak’. Meanwhile, Akkineni family pinned hopes on the upcoming projects. If not in Tollywood, then Akhil has to try his luck at Bollywood cinema which he may fly off to great start with a hit.