YCP’s MLA candidate from Pathikonda in Kurnool, Hari Chakrapani Reddy, who had lost to Deputy CM KE Krishna Murthy, has now shocked one and all by jumping into BJP ahead of 2019 polls. Hari Chakrapani Reddy stated that Daggubati Purandeswari and Kanna Lakshmi Narayana have given him strong assurance to join the Lotus Party. He said he is impressed with the development activities carried out by the BJP’s government at the Centre and said he is wanting to take these into people.
Amidst speculations that BJP and YSRCP may forge poll alliance in 2019, this move of Hari Chakrapani Reddy is adding more fuel to the ongoing speculations. It is strongly buzzed in political circuits that Jagan is sending a few leaders from YCP into BJP and helping the party win a few seats.
It can be noted that even Kanna Lakshmi Narayana who was supposed to join YCP and who had made all preparations to join Jagan had changed his plan in the last minute and joined BJP as state president by shocking everyone including BJP leaders like Somu Veerraju. Looks like, something is strongly cooking between BJP and YCP. The moot question is whether BJP could gain anything in AP out of these political stunts or not given there’s a huge hatred among people against BJP for not keeping its promises for the state.