Here’s an exclusive update. Tollywood’s star director Rajamouli’s son SS Karthikeya is all set to get engaged to his lady love today. Karthikeya is said to be in a committed relationship with his lady love for quite sometime. More details about the lucky girl will be revealed soon.
On the work front, Karthikeya is an all-rounder and Rajamouli himself had certified his son with that tag. Karthikeya has been assisting his dad in the direction and production departments on all his movies since Magadheera. He also ventured into business and co-owns a restaurant and the Nalgonda Eagles Kabaddi team in the Telangana Premiere Kabaddi.
Karthikeya is Rajamouli stepson. However, in an interview with a media house a couple of years ago, Rajamouli’s wife Rama said that no one in the family feels that Karthikeya is not the biological son of Rajamouli. This goes on to prove how deep Rajamouli and Karthikeya’s bond is.