Director Pawan Kumar said the Telugu version of ‘U Turn’ is a lot more emotional and impactful. He added that though this film is a remake, he would like to call it more of an adaptation.Interacting with the media, Pawan shared many details about making of the bilingual.
“After watching the Kannada version, I understood each and every character a lot better and made appropriate changes to give the audience the best. This film is inspired from true incidents that I noticed in Bengaluru,” said Pawan Kumar.
After watching the trailer of Kannada ‘U Turn’ Samantha had called me and asked about the script.”I sent a short notes of the script and Samantha immediately said we have to do this film in Telugu and Tamil languages,” stated Pawan Kumar.He added Kannada industry is making some good work in the recent times and are getting noticed across the country which is a great sign.