Nagarjuna’s multistarrer with Nani ‘Devadas’ has finally hit the screens this morning. Nag plays a uber cool don in the movie. And very soon, he will turn a stylish lover boy for Manmadhudu’s sequel.
And we have some exclusive updates on Nagarjuna’s role in Manmadhudu 2. A source in the know has exclusively informed us that Nag will be playing a 45-year-old man in the movie. Apparently, Nag will be seen sporting gray hair with glasses, giving himself a class look.
Manmadhudu 2 will be directed by actor turned director Rahul Ravindran, who had impressed with his debut film ‘Chi La Sow’. Manmadhudu was a blockbuster when it released in 2003. The script work is underway for the sequel, and we will have to see if it can recreate the original’s magic.