Jana Sena Party corridors are buzzing with news that Pawan Kalyan will soon have his own page on Facebook. According to party sources, his social media team is brainstorming on the strategy for his Facebook presence. Apparently, Pawan Kalyan is keen on reaching out to more people on the social networking platform.
It is a well-known fact that Jana Sena Founder Pawan Kalyan is an active Twitterati. He tweets by himself and has huge following. Despite Jana Sena Party having a presence on Facebook, Pawan had not shown interest on the platform. Sources say that he believes Facebook is a crucial platform to reach out to people on Jana Sena’s messages and ideology. Hence, the team is discussing keenly on the strategy they will choose to spread JSP’s popularity.
While Jana Sena Fans are upbeat about the news of their demigod joining Facebook, political observers say that Facebook will be flooded with more trolling and abuse. Jana Sena followers on Twitter are already popular for their trolling and online abuse. But, Facebook has stringent policies on abuse, unlike Twitter which relaxed on its policies. So, with Pawan’s foray onto Facebook, will his fans and party followers learn to discipline themselves? We’ll have to wait!