Yesterday, Telangana CM KCR flew down to New Delhi. The TRS sources revealed that KCR’s trip to the national capital is only for a routine eye and dental check up. KCR had underwent an eye surgery several months ago, and this latest tour is said to be for a follow up check up.
However, there have been several speculations and suspense on KCR’s Delhi visit, which comes just a day after his arch rival and AP CM Nara Chandrababu Naidu’s whirlwind Delhi tour to attack the Modi-led BJP government and to unite the Federal Front leaders.
Earlier this year, KCR and Chandrababu were one of the prominent leaders who spearheaded the Federal Front in opposition to the NDA and the UPA. With Babu meeting the key Federal Front leaders recently and KCR flying to Delhi immediately is leading to all sorts of speculations.