Goan beauty Ileana has bought a swanky flat in Lanco Towers, in Manikonda some time ago, for a whopping Rs. 1.25 cores and now she is looking to either dispose off the property or let it out if she finds a right tenant since she has no plans to return to Tollywood in near future.
After being rejected by director Teja, the doe-eyed actress Ileana made sedate debut with Devadasu but turned into a superstar with hits like Pokiri, Kick Rakhi and became a sought-after actress and she bought this property during her hey days in T-town and is the symbol of hard work and earnings in Andhra Pradesh. She was the new generation to touch Rs. 1 crore mark with Bhale Dongalu and later touched Rs. 1.5 crore for multilungual film Snehithudu and now become quite busy in Bollywood post-Barfi.