Nandamuri Balakrishna is currently wrapping the final leg of shooting for his upcoming film Kathanayakudu, which happens to be the biopic of legendary NTR. And then, he has the campaigning for Telugu Desam Party to take care of.
Cut to films, there is an interesting buzz about Balayya’s last film. No, he is not quitting films like other stars for the sake of politics, but he will be giving break to one particular aspect. Balayya will not be acting in films made by other producers from now on, and his NBK Films will be a partner of every single production.
We hear that except C Kalyan’s film that is likely to be directed by VV Vinayak, the Nandamuri star will not entertain any other producer to make a film with him. They have to partner with NBK Films to do so. Looks like Balayya has taken production seriously before the entry of his son into films.
Meanwhile, director Krish is planning to showcase the first rough edit of Kathanayakudu to Balakrishna very soon. Except for a few parts, most of the film got wrapped.