KCR’s opponent in Gajwel, Prajakutami’s candidate Vanteru Prathap Reddy has made some serious allegations. Vanteru alleged that KCR’s Erravelli farm house has stacks of cash. “Money is hoarded in KCR’s farm house. Why no one is conducting raids in his farm house,” Vanteru questioned. Vanteru has met Chief Electoral Officer of Telangana and lodged a written complaint.
Vanteru complained about the officials and police personnel in the state. He alleged that his telephone is being tapped and every move of him is being closely watched. He alleged that civil police have been deployed around him to observe his moves.
Vanteru questioned why police personnel have not made any searches in KCR’s farm house and the vehicles of TRS leaders. He questioned that why not a single vehicle of TRS is not seized in Gajwel. Vanteru accused that KCR had declared only 57 acres of land in Erravelli while originally he got 337 acres. Vanteru stressed that officials and police personnel should change for good.
Making serious comments, Vanteru said he is even ready to sacrifice his life in front of Returning Officer’s office if the officials, police won’t toe in line.