It is known that Rajamouli’s son Karthikeya is in love with Pooja Prasad, daughter of hero Jagapathi Babu’s brother Ram Prasad. The young couple got engaged in the first week of September at a private ceremony in Hyderabad. And they are looking forward to a big fat wedding now.
Apparently, December 30 is the date fixed for the wedding and highly placed sources confirmed that the event will take place somewhere outside Telugu states. Rajamouli and family have okayed a destination wedding and found that Rajasthan’s capital Jaipur is the best place.
Our exclusive source revealed that Karthikeya and Pooja will get married at Hotel Fairmont, a 250-acre property built like a Mughal style palace. This luxury 7-star hotel was seen in some big ticket Bollywood movies too, and it looks an absolute stunner. Seems like Rajamouli booked a Baahubali like venue for his son!