Actor turned politician Bandla Ganesh’s political journey suddenly hits a major roadblock, now that the results for the Telangana state Assembly elections have been declared. Bandla had joined the Telangana Congress and was later made the party’s official spokesperson after being denied a ticket.
During one of the TV interviews as part of the election campaigns, Bandla Ganesh exuded total confidence in Congress winning the elections and forming the government in Telangana. At one point, Ganesh even went on to say that he will commit suicide by slitting his throat with a 7 O’ Clock blade if Congress loses.
Now that the Congress and the Prajakutami have suffered a humiliating defeat, Bandla Ganesh is trending prominently on social media. The hashtag #Gonthukosukuntaa and several memes with 7 O’ Clock blades and Bandla Ganesh are also doing the rounds on Twitter and Facebook. The big question now is – “Where is Bandla Ganesh?”