Host turned actor Ayushmann Khurrana has been doing some different films off late and is scoring back-to-back hits. If we go by, it all started with Ayushamann’s debut film ‘Vicky Donor’ which is about sperm donation and it was a new concept back then in Indian context.
With the superstardom he is gaining, Ayushmann was invited for the popular talk show along with another sensational actor Vicky Kaushal. Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar who is the host of the show, had asked whether Ayushmann had experienced ‘Vicky Donor’ sort of situation any time in real life.
To everyone’s surprise, Ayushmann confessed he actually donated his sperms for real and also opened about it to director of ‘Vicky Donor’ Shoojit Sircar. The director was amazed by Ayushmann’s acknowledgment.
There you go! This is called applying personal experience in professional one.