Siricilla MLA KT Rama Rao has been appointed as TRS party’s working president by chief minister KCR. With an eye on national politics, KCR will be focusing a lot on New Delhi and so to make sure the irrigation projects, welfare schemes and others are getting implemented with right effect, KCR scouted for a suitable personality who is loyal to him and capable of handling the state politics.
TRS has achieved the separate statehood and it’s playing a vital role in the development of the state. Winning back-to-back elections has been a huge boost for KCR and he successfully created an image that TRS is the only option for the people of Telangana. But at the same time, the work load is going to become severe on KCR as he wants to bring a considerable change in national politics. He is moving accordingly but who will lead in the state is the million Dollar question.
After hectic deliberations, KCR has zeroed on his son KTR. Membership drives, construction of party offices in every district and to become driving forces in the state are the challenges put before KTR by KCR. So far KTR has proved his mettle with GHMC elections and the party winning seven seats in Hyderabad.
Having done the above, KCR opined that KTR is competent in filling up the former’s absence.