2018 is special year for Vijay Deverakonda as he has got three hits in a single year.“Geetha Govindam” took him to the next level as a star and the recent success of “Taxiwaala” has proved that he commands good openings irrespective of the genre of the movie.
The craze among the youth is his main asset. He is a star now.The buzz in the industry is that he has hiked his remuneration and demanding the money in the range of Rs 10 Cr per film.
His father who handles all his financial matters feels that the time has come for them to utilize the craze.He was taking Rs 2 Cr per movie before the release of “Geetha Govindam” but his movies are now doing business in the range of Rs 30 Cr to Rs 50 Cr, depending on the genre. Hence, he is asking Rs 10 Cr.
He has already signed three films and two of them are under the sets. They are “Dear Comrade” and Kranthi Madhav’s untitled film.