Slowly, one after another, the till-now silent BJP leaders are speaking out against the party leadership. These leaders are opening up against Narendra Modi and Amit Shah. After Nithin Gadkari and BP Mourya, it is now the turn of senior BJP leader and former minister from Punjab Lakshmikantha Chawla to take on Modi and Shah.
In a stinging statement, she said there was no use in talking about Bullet Trains when the ordinary trains are running late. Modi should ensure that the normal trains run on time. She tweeted to this effect after she found that Saryu Express arrived nine hours late. Her comments have been captured in a video shot by some bystander. Lakshmikantha Chawla waited for over nine hours for the train. In the video, she also said that the was no use of talking about what benefits only the rich. Modi should take care of windows, doors and toilets in the train and also about the timely arrival and departure of the trains.
This comments close on the heels of Nithiin Gadkari’s recent statement wherein he made some sharp comments against Modi. Also, Baba Ramdev, considered one of the staunchest supporters of the BJP, too said that he cannot say who will become the next prime minister.