Venkatesh has made interesting comments during the F2 audio release event at Visakhapatnam. He said Tollywood should prosper and he wished all the best to Balakrishna, Ram Charan and Rajinikanth whose films are going to slug it out with Venky and Varun Tej’s F2. Amidst tough competition among big-ticket films in coming Sankranthi season, Venky’s move to wish all the best to all the releases is a welcome change in the industry and indicates a healthy atmosphere.
Recalling his association with Vizag, Venky said the city is close to his heart as it is the place where he had learnt nuances in acting. He also recalled shooting for the films Swarna Kamalam, Sundarakanda, Malliswari and Guru. Referring to the beach at which audio launch event took place, Venky recalled walking along with Katrina Kaif during the shooting of Malliswari. Venky said Vizag is one of his favourite places.
Venky joked that their on-screen wives Tamanna (paired up with Venky) and Mehreen (cast opposite Varun Tej) couldn’t make it to the film’s audio launch event at Vizag. However, music composer Devi Sri Prasad and producer Dil Raju have attended the do.