The latest buzz doing rounds in tinsel ville is Venkatesh has opted out of Ram Charan’s next film to be directed by Krishna Vamsi. Even before the reasons for Venky’s exit came in, the news is that actor Srikanth is likely to replace Venkatesh.
Given that Srikanth share good rapport with ‘Mega’ family as he shared screen space with Chiranjeevi in Shankar Dada MBBS and Shankar Dada Zindabad, Charan has suggested his name. Also, Srikanth shares special equation with director Krishna Vamsi. He was seen in the director’s Khadgam and Mahatma.
Our sources tell that Srikanth is the immediate choice for the makers soon after Venky stepped out. Produced by Bandla Ganesh, the yet-to-be-titled film is expected to go onto floors in January.