The Accidental Prime Minister film based on ex-PM Manmohan Singh had its release on Friday. The film met with poor reviews. The critics termed the film has no substance that can make it work at the box office or turn into a controversy which is the need of the hour.
However, the reviewers appreciated actor Anupam Kher who reprised the role of Manmohan Singh and added that he is the only saving grace. Reputed media house, Hindustan Times wrote that, “This is a film transparently motivated to point out how lethal dynasty politics can be, and comes to us a few months before a general election.” And their rating is a single star.
Another media house, NDTV did give one and half star, and wrote, “The film, however, is neither hugely entertaining nor engagingly dramatic.”
Indian Express reviewed the film as, “The Accidental Prime Minister is an out-an-out propaganda film, created for the specific purpose of making the former prime minister look like a weak, spineless man, a puppet whose strings were controlled by The Family.”
All in all, the film looks like a disappointment at the box office.