Trolling began on Boyapati Seenu comparing him with Albert Einstein since the shows of ‘Vinaya Vidheya Rama’ began all over the World. Anti Fans has been poking fun at the creativity of the Mass Director using a photoshopped pic of him standing next to the renowned Scientist.
Naga Babu gave scope for Mega-Nandamuri Clash by taking jibes at Balakrishna. On the release day of ‘NTR Kathanayakudu’, A Mega Fan was seen distributing the tickets at a theatre for free and that video has gone viral.
And now, Nandamuri Fans grabbed the opportunity they had with ‘Vinaya Vidheya Rama’ using their both hands. Footage of Ram Charan hacking the goons in the film and the heads flying in the air has been shared widely on the Social Media. Several funny memes on the commercial potboiler went viral already.