Indian cricketer S Sreesanth tied knot with Bhuvneshwari Kumari, of Jaipur’s Shikhavat family, at Sree Krishna temple in Guruvayoor on Thursday. Sreesanth and Bhuvneshwari Kumari, a fashion designer, have been dating for some time. This, we hope will put an end to his various link-up rumours with Bollywood celebs.
Sreesanth has been banned from all forms of cricket. He was jailed after his name cropped up in the match-fixing scandal during the last edition of the Indian Premier League. After the ceremonial functions at Guruvayoor temple, the newly-wed, we were told, would leave for Sreesanth’s native place Kothamangalam in Ernakulam for a reception.
We are also told that none of his ex team mates were spotted at the wedding