Vishal who fell in love with small-time actress Alla Anisha Reddy says he will not object if she pursues acting career after their marriage. They are set to be engaged to each other next month in Hyderabad.
Anisha has played minor roles in films like ‘Pelli Choppulu’ and ‘Arjun Reddy’. At present, she is acting in an English-language movie that that is handled by all-women crew. Vishal is lending his support to this movie.
Vishal’s sister-in-law Shreya Reddy is also well-known actress. He says his family doesn’t put restrictions on women.
If Anisha wants to continue acting post-wedding, I will rather lend full support to her, Vishal said while interacting with the media.
The actor says he is bowled over by her simplicity and golden heart.
Alla Anisha Reddy also changed her bio in Instagram and updated with the line – my only love Vishal.