A Police Complaint was lodged in the Samalkota Police Station against Actress Bhanupriya. A Woman by name Prabhavathi accused the Actress of harassing her 14-Year-Old Daughter who was hired as domestic help.
As per the complaint filed by Prabhavathi, My 14-Year-Old Daughter was brought to Chennai for working as a Domestic Help at Bhanupriya’s house assuring a monthly salary of Rs 10,000. There was no communication from her after reaching Chennai. Recently, We received an anonymous call informing Bhanupriya’s Brother Gopala Krishna was harassing my daughter. When we went to Chennai to meet her, Bhanupriya demanded Rs 10 lakh for releasing My Daughter from her custody and her brother issued a warning to us. They even threatened to file a theft case on my daughter.
Samalkota SI didn’t file an FIR as the crime happened in Chennai. The Victim’s Mother was asked to lodge a complaint in Chennai itself. The Sub-Inspector told Bhanupriya informed him that Domestic Help has stolen valuables worth Rs 1.5 lakh from her house.
Addressing media, Bhanupriya alleged the girl had stolen cash and jewellery from her house. ‘When we demanded them to return the stolen valuables, They filed a complaint against us,’ she said.
To the question related to employing a minor girl, The Actress told she is unaware of the age of her Domestic Help.
As per Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Act 2016, Employing Children below the age of 14 years is a punishable offence. If the charges were proven, 2 year imprisonment and up to Rs 50,000 fine will be awarded.