Four months after Pranay’s brutal murder, his wife Amrutha Varshini has delivered a baby boy on Thursday. The first picture of Amrutha with the new born is making rounds in the social media.
Along with Amurtha and the kid, Pranay’s photograph is spotted to the wall and is written “Dad, My Forever Hero.”
On September 14 last year, a contract killer attacked Pranay outside a private hospital in Miryalguda. Amrutha’s father Maruthi Rao has reportedly paid the contract killer Rs 1 crore in this whole deal.
Pranay and Amrutha were school mates and in engineering their relation blossomed stronger. They could not continue studies and even convince parents to get married. Amrutha belongs to upper community and her parents were completely against this. Finally Amrutha tied knot with Pranay without consent of her parents.