Within hours after BJP-led NDA government at the Centre announced its own version of Rythu Bandhu scheme in the Union Budget presented in Parliament on Friday, TRS chief and Telangana CM K Chandrasekhar Rao asked party leaders and cadre to take up negative campaign against PM Kisan Samman Nidhi as it may hurt the prospects of TRS in upcoming Lok Sabha polls.
With Lok Sabha polls just three months away, KCR does not want BJP to benefit out of this scheme in Telangana.This is because TRS government transfers higher amount to bank accounts of farmers than what BJP government had promised to do under its scheme.
KCR reportedly asked party leaders and cadre to project PM Modi’s Rythu Bandhu in bad light during election campaigning saying that TRS gives Rs 10,000 per acre per year to all farmers irrespective of how much land they own while Modi’s Rythu Bandhu gives just Rs 6,000 for all farmers who owns less than five acres.
Since TRS and BJP will be seeking votes on direct cash transfer to farmers in upcoming Lok Sabha polls, KCR wants his Rythu Bandhu to get political mileage than Modi’s scheme in Telangana.
KCR is planning to release national wide advertisements in all top national newspapers and TV channels explaining how TRS Rythu Bandhu is superior to Modi’s Rythu Bandhu and wants himself to project as better leader at national level than Modi during Lok Sabha polls.