Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister & senior TDP leader Nimmakayala Chinnarajappa’s brother N Laxmana Murthy (alias Bapuji) today joined Pawan Kalyan’s Jana Sena in East Godavari district. On Saturday, Bapuji who hasn’t been in active politics took the membership of Jana Sena during the party activity in Peddhagadavilli village.
Bapuji, who belongs to Kapu community, spoke about his joining in Jana Sena and said that he took this decision to stand for the Kapu youth who are actively working in nearby villages like Chinagadavilli, Munipalli and Peddhagadavilli. His entry into Jana Sena is likely to boost the local and village level party cadre.
On other hand, the Telugu Desham Party is yet to make any comment on Bapuji taking Jana Sena’s membership. Chinnarajappa, who’s represents Peddapuram assembly constituency, has served as TDP district president for around two decades.