Ram Charan is busy shooting for RRR, multi-starrer by SS Rajamouli. The movie is known as the biggest movie from SSR after Baahubali.Jr. NTR is also playing the lead role in the film. He will have a transformation in look for the film and Ram Charan is shooting in the mean time.
Now, the latest update is that Ram Charan character will go through transformations from being a British officer, who is cruel to a mass leader for his village to a freedom fighter.Jr. NTR will oppose him and then join him in the battle as a beast, it seems. What do they plan to achieve their goal and how do they play pawns in bigger things is to be seen on screen.
Pre-Indepedence Era is the story period and the director is attempting such a story for the first time after helping his father in making Rajanna.