Top director S S Rajamouli spoke at length about his style of movie making, his inspirations and the hardships he had faced working for ‘Baahubali’ at Harvard University India Conference 2019.
For the first time since he launched “RRR” with NTR and Ram Charan, he also opened up briefly about it.
“RRR is also going to be pan-Indian movie. It will be made on large scale,” he stressed. However, he refused to talk about the movie’s genre or story.
The moderator asked him whether this too a fantasy movie but he cut her with the answer: ‘Let’s not talk about it.”
Rajamouli more focussed on talking about ‘Baahubali’ and other movie making aspects.
If no budget constraints are there, he would prefer making only movies based on Ramayana and Mahabharat, said Rajamouli.
Rajamouli has also agreed that he indeed did watch some of the recent biopic movies released in Telugu and but didn’t mention the names of the movies.
When asked what does he feel about facts are being distorted in the name of biopic, he replied that it is needed for dramatic effect.
“Or it would turn into a documentary,” he replied.
RRR is being made with a budget of Rs. 300 crore and it will release in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam.
Rajamouli will return to India next week and will commence the new schedule later this month.