If we have to call a spade as a spade, there is no doubt that the turnout of youths to Janasena president Pawan Kalyan’s public meetings are quite high. But if we check history once, even Chiranjeevi pulled thousands of youths during his Prajarajyam times. And the minimal performance of PRP could be attributed to the failure in converting these turnouts into votes.
Now if we have to talk about Pawan, the enigmatic leader should look at ways for the attendee-to-voter conversion. For that to happen, Pawan Kalyan should stop committing mega blunders. With elections almost in the backyard, Janasenani hasn’t yet announced his candidates. Though you may ask that TDP and YSRC also didn’t make any announcement in that regard, but they are the parties that have a strong ground force. And to destabilize those parties, Pawan should come up with announcing candidates much earlier.
While people know who is going to contest on TDP and YSRC tickets, they are worried as to whom Pawan Kalyan will pick as his candidate. Once that announcement is made and once if local leaders start standing next to Pawan at the meetings like the one that is taking place in Kurnool today, the attendees of meetings might turn as voters. The lack of local leaders alongside Pawan could be a mega mistake in case if he fails to correct it soon.