Actor turned politician and Jana Sena Party chief Pawan Kalyan continued his second-day tour in the Kurnool district on Monday. At 4 pm in the evening, Pawan Kalyan has attended a meeting with 500 cotton farmers at Adoni in the district.
In order to hear their daily struggles, one of the farmers from the crowd was called on the stage by Pawan. Before giving the mike to the farmer, Pawan said, “I came here today to hear all your problems. I’m here for your future. Without farmers, we are not there. Let me hear what this farmer has got to say,’ and he gave the mike to the farmer.
“Excess rains have caused water logging and damaged our cotton crops. We even had to sell our animals,” said the farmer. Later, he went on by placing his hand on Pawan’s shoulder and asked to help YS Jagan win this time. He said if Jagan comes, he will provide all the needs of farmers.
Obviously, Pawan was not prepared to hear something like this and this came as a shock to both Pawan Kalyan and Nadendla Manohar who was also present there. However, other farmers in the event clapped loudly when the farmer pleaded Pawan on Jagan’s win.