Pawan Kalyan has breathed fire on TDP spokesperson Sadineni Yamini for making personal comments on his life. Speaking at Palnadu public meeting, Pawan questioned saying what Yamini knows about his personal life. Raising his voice, Pawan warned Yamini saying, “Pichi Pichi Ga Matladithe Bavundadu.” Pawan asked Yamini to talk about issues related to people and asked her to condemn if she doesn’t like any of his statements. But Pawan asked Yamini to not go into his personal life. Pawan has also said no one has right to talk his personal life. He further said whether any of his political opponents have morals to ask him. He asked his opponents to follow morals before questioning him.
Pawan also asked Yamini to take back the cases registered against Janasena party workers. Going into details, Yamini Sadineni had filed cases against some Janasena followers who had made critical comments on her online. Pawan asked Yamini to withdraw the cases on his followers. Pawan questioned, “How can someone lodge cases on the people who had once carried your flags on their shoulders?” Pawan also said it is not the practice of democracy.
At the same time, Pawan said he is not afraid of fights. He said he is also ready to cross line if the opponents cross the line. As Pawan gave a direct warning to TDP’s woman leader Yamini, the topic has become more interesting. One has to wait and see, how Yamini would now respond to Pawan’s comments.