In the 2014 elections and in later years, actor and Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan has claimed that he was going through a lot of financial troubles. He also said that to make money, he himself co-produced ‘Sardaar Gabbar Singh’ movie but it ended as a disaster. After five years, Pawan seems to have improved his financial status.
Yesterday the Jana Sena chief filed the nomination for Gajuwaka assembly constituency and in the election affidavit he mentioned that his assets are worth Rs 52 crore. Immovable assets are valued Rs 40.81 crore while movable assets are worth Rs 12 crore. Pawan owes Rs 33,72,65,361 in the form of loans.
The election affidavit also had details of Pawan’s best half Anna Lezhneva’s assets. The total assets on her name are valued at Rs 70.50 Lakh while on kids, the worth is Rs 2.92 crore.