Former MP Vivek has alleged Telangana CM KCR had backstabbed him by denying Peddapalli MP ticket. Yesterday he resigned to the advisor to the Telangana government post and on Saturday he reached Peddapalli constituency with his supporters.
Addressing them Vivek said, “When I joined TRS few years back, KCR had assured me Peddapalli ticket. There were allegations that I worked against the party. If so why did not KCR take action against me. I was deceived by KCR and so I have resigned to whatever position they have offered. If I contest or not, win or not, hereafter I will be in Peddapalli constituency and look after the developmental works.”
Vivek further said, joint Karimnagar district MLAs have ganged up against him and so he was ignored. Vivek is now contemplating to contest the elections or not. Sources say that he might contest as Independent. Initially he planned to join Bhahujan Samaj Party (BSP) but the party already fielded a young contender by name Panja Kalyan.