Ram Gopal Varma met Mohan Babu who staged dharna against the TDP Government over non-payment of Fee Reimbursement dues. Sharing a photograph shot during the meeting, The Filmmaker wrote: ‘I never thought @ncbn was this b..d F..k #LakshmisNTR’.
Varma told he is happy that Mohan Babu began telling the real truths about Chandrababu Naidu at least now. He added, ‘I feel like slapping the Vennupotu Daarulu and clapping the Mohan Babu’.
Finally, RGV described himself & Mohan Babu as ‘Rowdylaki Rowdily’.
All the hurdles for the release of Lakshmi’s NTR on March 29th were cleared. Election Commission granted the permission for Producer Rakesh Reddy. RGV firmly believes Lakshmi’s NTR could make even the hardcore fans of Chandrababu Naidu realise how NTR was backstabbed.