Srihari, who replaced Sonu Sood for the role of Sher Khan in the Telugu version of Ram Charan and Priyanka Chopra-starrer Zanjeer, has joined the sets of the film on Sunday. The director had shot couple of scenes on the senior actor and is now pouring praises on Srihari on Twitter, “Srihari Sir Joins the zanjeer team to play Sher Khan in the Telugu Version. Shot 2 scenes with him. What an amazing actor’. Sanjay Dutt is enacting Sher Khan in the Hindi version and the film is slated for release this summer.
The movie is the remake on 1973 blockbuster movie, Zanjeer. Priyanka Chopra is playing the female lead in the movie. Apoorva Lakhia is wielding the megaphone.The movie is being made in Telugu and Hindi and both the versions will have simultaneous release.