It is known that Ram Gopal Varma’s recent outing ‘Lakshmi’s NTR’ hit the screens on March 29th. Though the movie got released in Telangana and overseas and is doing moderately well at the box office, the film is yet to get released in Andhra Pradesh.
As the movie is showing AP CM Chandrababu Naidu in the bad light, some approached High Court and postponed the release. As the elections are going to take place on April 11th, the makers are now going to release the movie in Andhra Pradesh as well. Ram Gopal Varma took Twitter to announce that ‘Lakshmi’s NTR’ will be released in Andhra Pradesh this week. He hasn’t mentioned the release date yet. As the court has issued the stay order, the distributors of the film in Andhra Pradesh faced huge losses. Also, the people are not happy with the delay in the release.
RGV even conducted a poll on social media and showcased that 75% of the people are angry because of the delay in the release. Vijay Kumar, Yagna Shetty and Shritej played vital roles in the film bankrolled by Rakesh Reddy and Deepthi Balagiri.