The other day Bollywood Megastar Amitabh Bachchan was upset that the producer or anyone else from the industry did not appreciate the fact that Big B’s last outing ‘Badla’ collected Rs 100 crore at the box office. Reacting to this Bollywood’s King Khan, Shah Rukh who is the producer threw the ball on Big Bg’s court, saying that he is waiting outside the residence of Bachchan’s residence for a party.
This tweet turned into a friendly banter between Big and SRK. Questioning Shah Rukh, Big B tweeted, you have produced the movie (Badla), we worked for it and did promotions without expecting anything. Now you want a party from us? To this SRK replied that without you (Big B) there is no ‘Badla’ and because of you the film scored a hit. So it is you who have to throw a party.
Big B got witter for SRK’s tweet. “Badla is one of the highest grossing small-budget film in the history of Red Chillies Productions (Shah Rukh’s production house). King Khan should acknowledge the success and give us bonus.”