As we saw how popular celebrities have joined political parties right before the ongoing Lok Sabha polls, yesterday, news on Deepika-Ranveer joining BJP went viral and pictures on the same were on rife. The images made fans shock as the couple never hinted about joining politics.
However, later it was confirmed that the images were blatantly photoshopped. The photoshopped pictures were stated asking people to vote for them as they have joined the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party. The duo was seen wearing orange dupattas with ‘vote for BJP’ written on them.
But the picture was originally taken from Deepika and Ranveer’s visit to the Siddhivinayak Temple post their wedding. The saffron dupattas were also from the temple’s traditional clothes which they wore while entering the holy place.
Deepika and Ranveer, who tied the knot on November 14, 2018, invited bigwigs from Bollywood industry and even PM Narendra Modi have graced the occasion.