Starting off on a controversial note in Telugu, it looks like Kannada beauty Shraddha Srinath wants to grab all the attention. After taking a jibe at Samantha’s U-Turn saying that she didn’t watch it as she can’t imagine anyone other than her in the lead role of that flick, the original Kannada U-Turn actress surprised Telugu cinema lovers.
Other day at the pre-release event of “Jersey”, Shraddha’s enthusiasm has become the talk of the town again. While she impressed everyone with her Telugu speech saying that she is eternally thankful to her hero Gautham (director) and to movie’s hero Nani, her words in between have stunned many.
When Nani’s fans are shouting his name, the actress said, “Ok, Jai Nani Anna”. Generally one doesn’t expect such kind of ‘cheppanu brother’ slogans from heroines, but it looks like this Bangalore girl wants to prove her effervescent nature. But then, she added in the end, “After you watch Jersey, I want you guys to remember me, I’m Shraddha Srinath”. And she repeated that couple of times, saying that people remembering her name matters to her a lot as this is her debut.
Well, being a theatre artist, it looks like Shraddha used all her histrionics on the stage itself. Hope her performance inside the movie is as exciting as her talk on the stage.