Ever since L.V Subrahmanyam has been appointed as the Chief Secretary of Andhra Pradesh, he has been getting the wrong attention unnecessarily and rubbing many politicians the wrong way. Despite not having election duty under his service, he has interfered in polling and sought updates from the Chief electoral officer (CEO) in the state, even on the day of polling. According to protocol, when the Model Code of Conduct is in place in the state, the Chief electoral officer has the powers to take any decisions, while the CS is not connected to any poll-related duties. Further, the power wrests in Chief electoral Officer on any decisions until the code exists.
However, L.V. Subrahmanyam doesn’t seem to think so. He has not only over-stepped the line of duty of a CS but also has convened a meeting with the Chief Electoral Officer to seek updates on polling and the arrangements for counting day. Interestingly, on behalf of the Chief Secretary, the CEO has instructed all district collectors and SPs to take part in today’s meeting. This direction from the Chief Secretary has shocked many in the government. Not only that but also CEO Gopal Dwivedi’s instructions to returning officers too has come as a shocker.
Earlier, when Dwivedi held reviews with respect to polling in the state with returning officers, former Chief Secretary Anil Punetha had attended it as just another officer who was restricted to giving suggestions. In that position, he maintained his dignity and did not over-step the line. However, Subrahmanyam’s attitude and arrogance in breaking the protocol has come as a surprise to many officials in the state.
Additionally, having known to be a close confidant of YSR Congress President Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy, there is information that he is trying to act in favour of YSRCP. These excesses by the CS are being observed by the TDP leaders and the believe that once they come to power, they shall take action or sideline the CS completely or replace him with another IAS officer who will work according to the party and government’s interests. Well, Subrahmanyam needs to understand that there is a limit for everything and that he is being watched carefully by the political class in the state.