‘My wife will leave me if I join politics’

The above statement is made by none other than former Reserve Bank of India (RBI) governor Raghuram Rajan. Post the BJP led NDA government denying him second term as RBI chief, there were reports that Raghuram will join politics. But these reports remained untrue till date.

Speaking about, Rajan said, ”Politics everywhere is similar. The point is I have no interest in politics. My wife has said she will not stay with me if I join politics.” There are speculations that if Congress is voted to power in New Delhi, Rajan is likely to be inducted in the cabinet. Reacting on this, the ex-RBI boss said he is happy wherever he is.

On BJP led NDA government, Rajan said he doesn’t find any dissimilarities between NDA and UPA as both the government are working reforms. The future reforms that can tackle the economic challenges will be the high priority of the next government.

Rajan’s words say that he is supporting neither UPA nor NDA but wants the successive governments to focus on economy and creating jobs for the next generation.