Atishi Marlena, who is the Aam Aadmi Party’s East Delhi candidate statedrn that she had filed a criminal complaint against her Bharatiya Janata rnParty opponent and ex-cricketer Gautam Gambhir, claiming that he is registered as a voter in two constituencies. She called it as an offence and demanded his disqualification as an election candidate.
The case was filed at the metropolitan magistrate’s court in Delhi. Also, a police investigation against Gambhir was demanded, showing documents that Gambhir was a voter from both Karol Bagh and Rajinder Nagar Assembly constituencies of Delhi.
Ms. Marlena claimed that Gambhir had hidden the fact while filing his nomination and predicted that he is scared of getting disqualified from contesting elections. A per her allegations, Gambhir had committed offences under Sections 17 and 31 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950. Of course, the registration of a voter from more than one constituency is a crime and also, it leads to the imprisonment of up to a year, or a penalty, for making false declarations in the electoral roll.
Moreover, he violated Section 125A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, by concealing information. On the other hand, BJP Delhi chief Manoj Tiwari told -‘There is no truth in her allegations. Also, it will not threaten Gambhir’s candidature in any way. AAP is playing negative politics.’