It’s been a while that Bollywood hero Arjun Kapoor has scored a hit. Having tried typical entertainers, Arjun is now coming up with patriotic genre. ‘India’s Most Wanted’ is the upcoming movie and this film’s teaser has impressed everyone.
From where exactly the teaser concluded, ‘India’s Most Wanted’ trailer starts off from the same scene wherein a police official questions how can a group of ordinary men, will catch hold of a terrorist wanted in and by India. This plot is based on a true story and is about five unsung heroes who risk their lives and don’t use bullet to go on a manhunt.
Arjun portrays his role confidently and is a brave man who will do anything for his country. He sports thick beard look and is seen all over the trailer while rest of the characters have least presence. Directed by Raj Kumar Gupta, ‘India’s Most Wanted’ is touted to be one of its kind thriller.
How successful will these five men be, is something we can watch from May 24th. Hopefully, Arjun Kapoor will be back to success line with this film.