Mega brother Naga Babu has once again fired at artists who in the recent Andhra Pradesh elections targeted his brother Pawan Kalyan. ‘Paniki Maalina Sannasulu’ ‘Adda Gadidhalu’ and ‘Yedavalu’ are the words used by Naga Babu while addressing a gathering with Jana Sena activists.
‘Maa Thammudini Evaraina Ante Chilchi Chendadutha’ Will not spare anyone who criticises my brother. Sorry to use these words but what wrong did my brother do or did he harm anyone of you,’ questioned Naga Babu. These so-called paid artists did not utter a word when students in Telangana committed suicide over intermediate results. It was only Pawan Kalyan who raised his voice against the TRS government and then Jana Sena activists protested against the loopholes, added Naga Babu.
Then the Mega brother took on YS Jagan. ‘He will open his mouth if ‘Lakshmi’s NTR’ doesn’t release in Andhra Pradesh whereas he keeps quite when students are committing suicide. Lakshmi’s NTR release is not the real issue here. Drinking water, pollution and things for the poor are most need of the hour. Just because KCR has the remote control of Jagan, the latter stays silent,’ said Naga Babu.
Adding we have no fear of KCR. We respect him but don’t fear him and Jana Sena is the only party in Telangana now to fight against the government. ‘This is just a teaser and Jana Sena will show its potential till 2024,’ said Naga Babu.