Bollywood Diva Priyanka Chopra never fails to make it to the headlines with her bold statements and decisions. The actress has recently grabbed the attention by attending the Met Gala with her dearest husband Nick Jonas.
More than anything else, the attire and attitude of the the Desi Girl has took the internet by storm. The wierd styling of Priyanka Chopra has became a bait for the anti fans who has started trolling her on social media. On this note, a picture of her where her hair is attached to the moustache of Veerappan went viral on the internet. Interestingly, Tollywood director Ram Gopal Varma has shared the picture on social media. “A truly fitting hair style salute to the most famous moustache ever and i personally salute to whoever this great hair stylist is who can make the great Priyanka’s hair look below veerappan’s moustache ..But I love it for inexplicable reasons which I will explain in a few hours” captioned Ram Gopal Varma posting that picture.
We have to wait and see if Ram Gopal Varma is going to defend his statement or not. On the other hand, PC has a shocked everyone with her Avatar.