Actor Prudhviraj, who is well known with his dialogue ’30 years Industry’ from Krishna Vamsi’s Khadgam, has joined YSR Congress Party. The popular supporting actor is going to handle the Party’ campaigning for upcoming general elections in the districts of Visakhapatnam, Vijayanagaram and Srikakulam.
The actor who was in Bhimavaram for the audio launch of Sunil’s Bhimavaram Bullodu spoke to media at length. He is confident that YSR Congress would emerge as winner with majority in 2014 polls. Prudhvi is now going through heydays of his film career as he is seen in almost every second big-ticket films. His recent release Venkatadri Express is running successfully with packed theatres.
With political heat gaining momentum, more T-town stars are expected to take political plunge in New Year. This time, it’s a crucial battle for all political parties in Andhra Pradesh and hence roping in film stars. Already, TDP is ahead than YSR Congress in this arena.