In what could create an annoying few days for the Bharatiya Janata Party, the Time Magazine’s cover has described Prime Minister Narendra Modi as India’s “Divider in Chief.” The May 20th issue of the Time’s is apparently on all editions of the Magazine except the US. The cover story written by Aatish Taseer questions “Can the world’s largest democracy endure another five years of a Modi government?.”
Interestingly, Aatish Taseer is the son of popular Delhi-based journalist Tavleen Singh who has been a pro-BJP journalist for a long time. Another article in the magazine looks at how Modi’s reign in India has had a positive effect on the country and why the country needs a strong face like him to push economic reforms.
Many view this as a change of stance from the Time Magazine which had Modi on its 2015 issue cover where it said “Why Modi Matters” and also carried an in-depth interview of the Prime Minister. In this issue’s cover story written by Taseer, the article explores how Modi’s ascension to power was followed by a series of incidents that promote hate-mongering among different religious communities. The article also looks into how nationalism has been used as a clever strategy by the BJP in the election campaigns but has had debilitating effects on the country.