Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC) chairperson Vijayasanthi trolled Chief Minister and TRS Chief K. Chandrasekhar Rao for trying to play cheap tricks in the name of Federal Front in her Facebook post. She posted a long comment on her social media account on the consequences of KCR and Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) chief Stalin meeting each other regarding aligning for the Federal Front. She said that curtains are down on KCR’s drama of Federal Front, which he claims it would be an alternative to the Congress.
“With the response given by Stalin, KCR is now in a state of shock. He tried to play a prominent role in national politics by making false statements just as he did with respect to formation of separate Telangana. Now, KCR’s mask of Federal Front is off. People who spoke of Sir, car (election symbol of TRS) and sircar (government) are now cursing the fate over changed situations,” she posted, adding that KCR was claiming credit for separate Telangana while it was the Congress which accorded separate statehood to Telangana.
“Rao tried to cheat Stalin just as he did with Jagan with all his abilities but had been a failure. Stalin had seen many such fraudsters like KCR during his father and DMK Karunanidhi’s chief ministership and so did not fall into the TRS chief’s trap. Finally, Stalin told KCR that his party would continue in the Congress-led UPA government but not join the Federal Front. Stalin put a check to KCR’s cheap tricks,” she said, mocking his attempts of stitching the Federal Front.